Sewn-In Beaded Weft Gone Wrong: Expert Hair Extension Correction with Tape Extensions

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Sewn-In Beaded Weft Gone Wrong:
Expert Hair Extension Correction with
Tape Extensions or Fusion Hair Extensions

best hair extensions near me in western ma

Hair Extensions gone wrong? Fixing Hair Extensions

While you may be doing your “research”, about hair extensions, I can share with you that the quality of hair extension hair is so very, very important.

In the above video, I explain why Sarina’s hair became so matted and highlight the steps she took to care for her extensions properly.

Her weft hair extensions, unfortunately seemed to be tangling in general, and to not fault of her own. 

Most importantly,  I was successfully able to get all of the matting out.   I used a very healthy professional leave-in detangler and some professional coconut oil.    

Text me at 413-300-9971

Review of Loft Salon Studio - Beaded Weft Correction to Tape Extensions

Sewn-In Beaded Weft Gone Wrong: Expert Hair Extension Correction with Fusion Hair Extensions

Sewn-in wefts versus fusion extensions

Sewn-in Weft Versus Fusion Extensions!

I specialize in hair extension repairs!   I’m so sorry if you now have beaded wefts, and need them fixed. 

Did you conduct thorough research and adopt a “Web MD” approach to inform your decision on hair extensions, ultimately opting for sewn-in wefts?

Sewn-in Wefts have gained popularity, however, just because something is popular does not mean that it is the best solution for everyone. 

But now, are you experiencing regret due to their bulkiness, discomfort, and the pain they are causing? I can help you, just like I did for the client shown.

First, let me share with you that I’m certified by 6 different companies and EVERY type of application, and have been specializing in hair extensions for 18 years.

  • Sewn-In Wefts
  • Thermal Fusion
  • Cold Fusion
  • Bead Hair Extensions
  • Tape Hair Extensions

Sewn-in wefts started to trend about 10 years ago on the West Coast.  As they became more “popular” then many, many stylists hoped on the bandwagon.

This is partially due to of social media portraying a new trend.

But simply because something TRENDS…does not mean that this hair extension application is suitable for all hair types.

Ultimately, the best hair extension application is the one that suits your hair type!

My poor client had too much hair applied with her sewn-in wefts, causing irritation and pain.   It really bothers me, to this day…when I have to provide a “hair extension correction” because all of you work hard for your money.


Whatever type of application you get…you shouldn’t ever feel pain.  Plain and simple.   Please reach out to me for your hair extensions repairs!

What advantages do Fusion Hair Extensions have over Sewn-In Wefts?

First of all, Fusion is so extremely lightweight that you won’t even know you are wearing them.
Additionally, you will not need to have your extensions moved up, and you can wear your hair up to 5 months!

So, if you have a very busy schedule, then you are best to opt for Fusion because out of all of the applications, Fusion offers the most customization overall.

Ok, then…which hair types are best for the Sewn-In method if you still want to choose that option?

From my professional experience, this application works best for those with thicker hair, as it requires enough hair to support the weight of the wefts.

And lastly, if you want to, and wear your hair in a higher ponytail, then Fusion will be the way to go!

If you are currently wearing Sewn-in wefts, and need a change, please reach out to me.  You will not be disappointed switching to Fusion.



The results shown in this video are specific to the individual client and their unique hair needs. Hair extension outcomes can vary based on factors such as hair type, condition, and previous treatments. While we specialize in corrective work, results may differ for each client, and no guarantees can be made. Any references to previous work are for educational purposes and are not intended to criticize or discredit other professionals.   And for any of the hair extension repairs, the clients sought my salon out for these specific requests. 

Additionally, reviews and testimonials shared in this video reflect personal experiences and should not be seen as guarantees of similar results for all clients. Every client’s experience is unique, and we value the honest feedback provided.

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